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Monday, November 22, 2010

Finishing assignment

Well, Wednesday is only one day away. I'm impressed that everyone has really been doing their part. I guess all we needed was a push from our instructor to get down to business. I still have been unable to see everyone's work because my internet stops working as soon as I click on the documents or pdfs. So, I need to get everyone's work by some other means!! Let me know who has all of our work

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Communication is key when working in creative groups or in any kind of interaction with people. Yet, even with all the various mediums available to us for communication, we still manage to get a little bit lost in translation. We can communicate by way of e-mail, facebook, text message, through blogs, wikispaces, a phone call, letters, etc.. There are so many ways to communicate to eachother without even really having to see eachother; and somtimes, I do miss those days when we didnt have phones or computers to communicate, and all we had to do if we wanted to talk to someone was to visit them. Today, when working with many different people we have to know how to communicate practically through every medium there is avaliable to us.

Monday, November 8, 2010

wine displays

Ok guys, I was looking for wine displays and came upon this nice website with a lot of wine displays

check it out http://www.icondisplay.com/work/Displays/Mirassou.asp

here is a display I liked because I thought it is something we can do.

I also thought this was interesting. Just something to think about

I liked this because They are not even using real bottles they are just using this as a promotional piece. We can do something like this as well.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

WINE label ideas

So, we are creating something for wine labels. I have posted some pictures on our wiki

and here are some pics I think we can take into account.

Friday, October 29, 2010